Does someone you care about have trouble managing their emotions?
We offer information and support for loved ones of those with personality disorders
NEPDA Home Meetings
Where Understanding and Support Happen!
New England Personality Disorder Association (NEPDA)
Virtual Annual/Home Meeting
Monday, January 27, 2025
7 - 9 PM
“Addressing Self-Hatred on the BPD Recovery Journey” For Families of Loved Ones With a Personality Disorder
With Dr. Blaise Aguirre
Dr. Blaise Aguirre, child and adolescent psychiatrist, is nationally and internationally recognized for his extensive work in the treatment of mood and personality disorders in adolescents. He directs a program at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, focusing on self-endangering behaviors and the symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD). He has written several books, but during our January Home Meeting, Blaise will discuss issues from his latest book, I Hate Myself: Overcome Self-Loathing and Realize Why You’re Wrong About You. There will be plenty of time for questions during this live meeting, which will not be recorded.
Please note: The NEPDA Annual Meeting and Board of Directors election will be held after the Home Meeting. Everyone is invited to attend.
Click here to financially support the meeting:
NEPDA is run by volunteers, but nevertheless, it costs to bring you the very best speakers. Your donations are our primary source of income. Please give at least $12 per meeting. More if you can. Less if you can’t.
NEPDA Home Meetings are limited to 50 participants so all questions are usually answered. By keeping numbers low, we hope to foster a sense of community and belonging. You can, of course, also remain anonymous by keeping your video screen off during meetings.
These virtual meetings, which take place on the fourth Monday of the month, formerly occurred in participants’ living rooms, thus the name, “Home Meetings”. The name stuck because we hope family and friends of those with personality disorders find a welcoming “home” with us at NEPDA. The format includes a presentation by a speaker and time for questions and sharing.
Sign up below or email Nepda.pres@gmail.com.
Please give a minimum of $12 for each meeting when you sign up - more if you can, less if you can’t. CLICK HERE to donate or click the “Donate” button below. Thank you.
To be added to our mailing list and be kept informed of upcoming meetings, please signup below.
Our Mission
Through NEPDA program/events, we offer education and support to loved ones of people with personality disorders, especially Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Through expert-led presentations and other events, we provide a space, free of stigma, for understanding, companionship, and hope. NEPDA supports people in relationship with those on the recovery journey.
NEPDA partners with other groups and organizations, including McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts. Consisting entirely of volunteers, NEPDA is a 501(c)(3) entity which operates through tax-deductible contributions and is viable only through the generosity of its supporters.
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Make a donation.
Please give a minimum of $12 for each meeting when you sign up - more if you can, less if you can’t. Click the “Donate” button below. Thank you.
To donate by check please make check payable to NEPDA and mail to
Judy Cody, NEPDA Treasurer, 5 Petrel Street, West Roxbury, MA 02132